- Share the Gospel. You are accountable and have the responsibility to SHARE the Gospel to everyone by the Word of Mouth. You can share them to your LOVEONES. You can also share the "I WANT TO RECEIVE JESUS" page from this blog to them in any method you can. You can email them or can share on FACEBOOK or on TWITTER. Use the TECHNOLOGY, BE NOT USED by it, to reach others.
- Read "THE HOLY BIBLE" Everyday. You will have more understanding and will know more about the TRUTH once you read the WORD of GOD. If you don't have a BIBLE, you can BUY on your NEAREST Bible Store and I URGED you to USE the AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION 1611.
- BE ATTENTIVE in PRAYERS. Prayer in the Morning the time you wake UP, thanking Him for the Salvation that you received, for the another day of your life and the body that still enables. Prayer for the forgiveness of SINS you have done. Give thanks for all the GRACE that you have received and for all the CHALLENGES and OBSTACLES. Because without them, you will be a WEAK person. When you knew God, all the Problems are not BIG enough than YOU! You knew that God is greater that all of them! Prayer on the Food, Prayer on Bed time, Prayer on any activities, Prayer on Safety, Prayer on your Work. There are just many things you have to Pray for!
- Go to CHURCH. Once you are SAVED, you will have the "ENTHUSIASM" to go to CHURCH and hear the WORD of GOD.
That's just few of things you can for the GLORY of GOD. You are sure you are BOUND to HEAVEN!
When you are saved, you can't ever tell you're FREE FROM TEMPTATIONS. You'll might encounter WORSTS Time of TEMPTATION in your LIFE. Some few of the TEMPTATIONS I can ILLUSTRATE to you that I have experienced the moment I was SAVED was these.
- There is SOMETHING that tells me NOT to GO to CHURCH.
- There is SOMETHING that tells me NOT to READ the WORD of GOD.
- There is SOMETHING that tells me NOT to PRAY!
- There is SOMETHING that tells me NOT to SHARE the GOSPEL!
There were many that will hinder you! And sometimes you will feel that they will far Stronger that what you have EARNED(the Salvation). But YOU are WRONG.
To encounter the TEMPTATION and HINDRANCES, you only NEED to GO into GOD in PRAYER(talk to HIM alone) and then GO! CONTINUE to DO what WILL GLORIFY GOD, NOT of WHAT Glorifies the WICKED MEN! Continue to STRIVE to know more of GOD and DRAW more CLOSER unto HIM.